AfCFTA creating a single African market


In January 2021, Africa launched its ambitious free trade area, the African  Continental Free Trade Agree (AfCFTA)

Subsequent to the creation and the first trade of AfCFTA, trade amongst African  countries is anticipated to undergo a paradigm shift that would deepen intra African trade as it removes trade and non-trade barriers that had stifled trading  among African countries over the years.

With a combined GDP of at least USD 2.5 trillion and a combined market size  of 1.2 billion people, AfCFTA is poised to stimulate trade leading to the creation  of jobs, increased wealth and eventually reduce the poverty levels within the  continent.

AfCFTA, amongst others, will certainly deepen trade amongst member  countries. Incidentally, Africa’s private sector is largely made up of micro, small  and medium enterprises who may not be competitive to access the market  created as majority of the large corporates operating in the region are of  multinational origin.

How is the continent preparing itself to create a more robust competitive  advantage? What would be the policy frameworks and governance structure  required to create a competitive advantage for African economies.

Event details

Date: September 30, 2021

Time: 3:00 pm GMT

Venue: Online


Chimwemwe Richard Mwage

Trade Policy Advisor,

GIZ Malawi

Chimwemwe Richard Mwage is a trade policy and trade law expert and has more than five years of international trade experience. Prior to joining GIZ Malawi, he worked as a Junior Regional Analyst for the Political Economy Southern Africa (PESA).

In his capacity as the Junior Regional Analyst, he was responsible for conducting research related to trade, regional integration and political developments within SADC, and produced relevant trade data for the SADC region. Again, prior to his joining the GIZ Program Support to AfCFTA team, he worked as a Junior Technical Expert on Trade with GIZ MIERA programme in Malawi.

Matildah Mukankundiye

Trade Policy Advisor,

GIZ Rwanda

Matildah Mukankundiye is an economist by profession and has 3 years’ experience in Trade Policy and International Trade facilitation. She currently works for GIZ Program Support to AfCFTA team as a Trade Policy advisor for the Rwanda Component. She has previously supported Trade facilitation in the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) through the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) & Export Facilitation division with roles revolved around implementing Export Development Programs that included facilitating market linkages for Rwanda’s exports, access to finance and capacity building of Rwanda exporters.

Pascal Gally

Financial Advisory,

Deloitte, Switzerland

Pascal Gally is part of the Forensic Investigation team at Deloitte, Switzerland where he supports projects with financial crime inquiries.

He has a legal background and experience on matters such as Money Laundering, Corruption, Fraud and Compliance management.

In addition to his professional activities, he is involved in multiple international initiatives towards Africa (Economical & educational projects etc.)

Holger Vogt

Managing Director Amena Africa Ltd.

Holger is a Market Entry Strategist, Private Sector Development Specialist and  Entrepreneur with 15 years’ Africa experience in the private, public and third sector.

He is a strong believer in the market potential of African countries and developed a  unique approach to assist companies entering and growing their business on the  continent.

He founded AMENA Africa Ltd., a market advisory firm headquartered in  Nairobi, Kenya with operations across Africa’s key markets; Nigeria, South Africa  and Ghana.


Emmanuel Amoah-Darkwah

Economist & Partner,

C-KADD Global

Emmanuel Amoah-Darkwah currently a Partner at C-KADD Global – an investment advisory firm. He also consults for IHS Markit- a business intelligence firm which has its headquarters in the United Kingdom.

Emmanuel is a chartered economist with specialization in Economic Policy Analysis.  He holds a B.A in Political Science and M.A in International Affairs and Diplomacy, both from University of Ghana-Legon.