Knowledge and skills on the go.

ICCE designation

The ICCE Charter Program includes a series of exams covering three (3) levels as well as Professional Specialization Level.

Learners are required to complete the required number of papers as structured, meet all membership and financial obligations before being awarded the ICCE designation.

Strategic level

Level I

This is the beginner level to your ICCE qualification journey. Learners are taking through the foundation of economics and basic statistics.


E1 – Investment I
E2 – Microeconomics I
E3 – Macroeconomics I
E4 – Financial  Institutions & Markets

Level II

This is the intermediate level. The exam structure builds on the foundation knowledge learners received in the preceding level.


E5 – Investment II
E6 – Microeconomics II
E7 – Macroeconomics II
E8 – Econometrics I
E9 – Corporate Finance

Level III

This is the advanced stage. The curriculum structure builds on the foundation and intermediate knowledge learners received in the preceding levels.

E10 – Econometrics II
E11 –  Economics & Business Ethics
E12 – International Trade
E13 – International Finance

Professional specialization

This is the final level for specialization. Learners are offered the option to select their preferred professional specialization gateways. Each specialization consists of 2 exams streams structured in Part I and Part II

FE1 – Financial Economics I

FE2 –Financial Economics II

PE1 –Petroleum Economics I

PE2 –Petroleum Economics II

EE1 – Energy Economics I

EE2 – Energy Economics II

HE1 – Health Economics I

HE2 – Health Economics II

ME1 – Managerial Economics I

ME2 – Managerial Economics II

MRE1 –Marine Economics I

MRE2 – Marine Economics II

LE1 – Labor Economics I

LE2 – Labor Economics II

IE1 – International  Economics I

IE2 – International Economics II

AE1 – Agricultural Economics I

AE2 – Agricultural Economics II

Access to unlimited reading materials

You don’t have to worry about reading materials! We’ve got you covered on your ICCE journey.

The ICCE provides all new learners unlimited access to multiple reading resources at no additional cost for the first year via Perlego.

Access to Perlego is free for the first year for all new learners. Thereafter, learners will access Perlego at a discounted fee of not more than US$60 per year.